Mann Packing Company announced that it has officially completed the final stages of its integration as the vegetable division of Fresh Del Monte Produce. The final step of the 2018 acquisition includes the complete fusion of all teams, including sales, sales support, finance, logistics, sustainability/quality control, marketing, and innovation – all of which fall under the Fresh Del Monte network.
Read More »CargoMate enables Hapag-Lloyd's crews and shore-based teams to monitor cargo operations more efficiently and safely. Intelligent Cargo Systems, one of the world leaders in providing unique real-time port call visibility to ocean carriers, has extended its agreement with Hapag-Lloyd to give the carrier a complete managed fleet with the CargoMate platform.
Read More »Shortages of reefer containers and escalating costs are affecting global flows of perishables. Some producers may pivot to domestic markets, but the international growth potential is mouth-watering. Reefer vessels are enjoying a renaissance, with time charter rates up in the triple-digit range from pre-pandemic levels.
Read More »Competition among the container carriers and their terminal operators will be heating up in Egypt in the coming years as the country works to become the home of one of the primary transshipping operations in the Mediterranean. The Suez Canal Authority reports that Maersk will be investing $500 million in the expansion and modernization of its terminal operation. At the same time, Hapag announced plans for a new terminal operation in Egypt two months ago.
Read More »Between January and July of this year, Peruvian exports of fresh bananas amounted to 99 thousand tons, representing an increase of 52% compared to what was shipped in the same period last year. This was stated by the president of the consulting firm Inform@cción, Fernando Cillóniz, who highlighted the recovery that banana shipments from Peru have been registering after four straight years of chronic decline in the volumes shipped (2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021).
Read More »Reefer container freight rates across global trades rose over 50 per cent to 2Q22, matching gains in dry cargo pricing and are estimated to increase further in 3Q22, outpacing dry box rates. "Some stabilization is already underway on some reefer trades and this is expected to be followed by modest declines through 2023 as cargo owners push back on unsustainable freight rate increases," according to Drewry's recently published Reefer Shipping Annual Review and Forecast 2022/23.
Read More »In July 2022, the three banana producers operating in Cameroon exported 13,203 tonnes, according to the Banana Association of Cameroon (Assobacam). This corresponds to an increase of 744 tonnes (+6%) compared to the 12,459 tonnes shipped to the international market in July 2021.
Read More »In the first half of this year, the National Insurance Institute (INS) of Costa Rica had to disburse more than ¢82 million to pay for the policies of banana producers. It is insurance that protects farmers from pests and diseases in their plantations. The policy is a fundamental guarantee for banking and financial entities granting credit to producers throughout the country.
Read More »The Dominican Republic advances with a program to modernize the port of Manzanillo and the Cibao Northwest region. The plan "will improve the competitiveness of exports of goods originating in Cibao, which represents 38% of national exports and currently leaves through the ports of Haina and Caucedo," the Minister of Economy, Pável Isa Contreras, said while visiting the facilities last week. The public-private partnership program contemplates the remodelling of Los Coquitos beach and the landfill in the area.
Read More »On July 14th, 2022, in the city of Guayaquil, DP World in Ecuador signed its adhesion to the United Nations Global Compact - Ecuadorian Network, with the aim of continuing its active business contribution and to generate a more sustainable and inclusive economy, reflecting on the ten principles universally accepted by more than 13,000 companies and organizations in the world (330 Ecuadorian) belonging to the Pact in four thematic areas: human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
Read More »The Dominican Government received from the European Union a credit of RD$356.2 million to be used to finance banana producers in the provinces of Azua, Montecristi, and Valverde. The transfer corresponds to the Banana Accompanying Measures program for the Dominican Republic" (BAM), to be executed by the Agricultural Bank in coordination with the Ministries of Economy, Planning and Development, and Agriculture.
Read More »After stabilizing for months, banana prices are on the rise again, reaching new records under the shock of consumers. In contrast, its costs exceeded, on July 13, the wholesale markets 600 dinars (USD 4.08) and the retail markets 700 dinars, according to the Algerian Protection Organization of the consumer. The latter demanded an investigation into these prices because, according to them, the prices remain too high while they are experiencing stability on the world markets.
Read More »The Bananatex company has started to apply the banana fibre fabric in a textile project. The product is extracted from the tree's trunk, and its fibre is the strongest found in its natural state. Hannes Schönegger, CEO of the company, explained that in the Philippines, "there is a specific banana species for this, mainly for the paper and rope industry, but we discovered that no one was processing it into fine threads yet. This is what we needed."
Read More »Russian forwarders have launched their liner services linking local cargo to China and India after most carriers boycotted the country since the invasion of Ukraine, reports Singapore's Splash 247. In response, the report states that Russia's Swift Line and Inteco Lines have set up shipping lines for container services between the Russian Far East and China.
Read More »It's time to crown Ireland's best banana bakers and we've teamed up with celebrity chef Donal Skehan to launch this epic battle and the competition promises to be both fierce and fun. There are a number of categories with something to suit all tastes and abilities so get those baking caps on and make your county proud! Categories include Best Junior Bake (under 12s and 13-17s)r, Best Breakfast, Best Savoury, Best No Bake, Best Vegan, Best Gluten-Free, Best Dessert, Grand Prize Winner.
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