Honduras: Sula Valley Flooding Affects Banana Plantations


According to the preliminary report, the flooding of the Sula Valley hit national production again with millions of dollars in losses, especially with the destruction of bananas and other crops. 

The flooding of the Ulúa River flooded plains of the Sula Valley, mainly in the lower parts of the municipalities of Pimienta, Villanueva, Potrerillos and San Manuel in Cortés, in Santa Rita and El Negrito in Yoro, extending to the Ramal del Tigre in Tela, Atlántida. 

Likewise, the La Lima and Choloma municipalities in Puerto Cortés were flooded when the Chamelecón River breached margins and the influence of the Ulúa through the Mayan Channel. In San Pedro Sula, there was a total loss of banana plantations flooded by the Ulúa River in the Santiago sector in the municipality of Pimienta, department of Puerto Cortés.  

About 30 blocks of land are reporting millions of dollars in losses due to the extreme floods that have covered the plantations in mud. 

According to the farm workers, they have been in the same situation for three years, with crop losses due to flooding. 

They pointed out that the situation is already complicated, and today, with the loss of the crop, it will become even more difficult for the families who work on the farm.