Ecuador: ACORBANEC Celebrates Its Seventh Anniversary


On November 10, the Banana Export Marketing Association (ACORBANEC) celebrated seven years since its foundation. 

Currently, ACORBANEC is made up of 61 members, which represents 43% of the total banana exports in the country. 

Richard Salazar, executive director of ACORBANEC, believes that behind this achievement, there has been teamwork between all the partners and its Board of Directors, as well as authorities and other actors in the chain, whose main goal has been to improve the competitiveness of Ecuadorian banana exports, as well as to promote the development of sustainable production of the fruit. 

Finally, ACORBANEC reiterated its commitment to achieving a highly competitive, productive, sustainable banana sector, but at the same time, demanding from the main buyers the payment of a decent price for the Ecuadorian fruit, in this shared responsibility, to continue maintaining the sustainability of the sector.