SITRAIBANA and Chiquita Agree on New Collective Agreement for 4 Years


With the mediation of the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (Mitradel), the negotiation of the new Collective Convention between the Union of Workers of the Banana Agricultural Industry and Related Companies (SITRAIBANA) and Chiquita Panama ended.

Francisco Smith, general secretary of SITRAIBANA, reported that the new convention will directly benefit more than 5,000 company workers with agreements ranging from wage adjustments for both those who work in the agricultural area and for packers to the recognition of a social clause with incentives for the 800 women collaborators of the company.

The representative of the company Chiquita Panama, Ramón Isaac Macías, thanked the accompaniment of Mitradel during the nine months of negotiation and said that this achievement is significant for the company since, for decades, banana export has been the number one export activity of Panama, and it is expected to continue to be so for many more years, which is why he urged workers to continue operating harmoniously and productively in the province.

The new collective agreement will begin to govern on July 1, 2024, and will be valid for four years.