New Single Banana Code in Ecuador


On April 26, 2024, Ecuador's Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) introduced a new control for the banana trade, a unique banana code. This code aims to strengthen the controls of the Unibanano system, ensuring the integrity of the fruit's registration and export procedures. The code was created through Ministerial Agreement 015 on March 81. The Unibanano system, which has been in place since 2012, registers and updates the data of producers, exporters, and traders by the banana law. However, in recent years, irregularities have occurred, and there has been a lack of transparency in its operation. In 2022, a fictitious farm registered in the system was detected. 

Despite reporting this finding to the Prosecutor's Office, MAG has not reported any progress. The new unique banana code is a tool to combat crime affecting the banana sector. 

The MAG has established an action plan with the institutions in charge of State security. 

The code is assigned to producers once they have fulfilled the requirements and completed the process established in Article 11 to admit the registration or renewal as a banana producer.