Colombia: ASBAMA once again Demands a "Fair Price" for Bananas


Within the framework of International Banana Day (April 18), the Association of Banana Producers and Marketers of the departments of Magdalena, Cesar, and La Guajira (ASBAMA) in Colombia highlighted the need to guarantee a fair price for banana producers at the international markets. This is because the price trend in the European market, compared to its certification requirements, threatens the continuity of this agricultural sector in Latin America.

Recently, banana exporting unions from Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, and the Dominican Republic expressed concern about the practices of some supermarkets, particularly Germany's Kaufland, which offer Latin American bananas at a price significantly lower than what is considered fair by the industry.

"At ASBAMA, we observe with growing concern how European supermarkets, that participate in sustainable supply chain initiatives, are not complying with the fundamental principle of shared responsibility. The price at which they currently sell bananas in their stores does not reflect the efforts and costs associated with sustainable and responsible production," declared José Francisco Zúñiga, executive president of ASBAMA, in a statement.