Fresh Del Monte to grow fruit in Sicily


Fresh Del Monte focuses on Sicily, specifically Marsala, to produce small fruits under its brand. The official announcement of the investment will take place during the 3rd symposium on strawberries and small fruits at the 'A small fruits' company in Marsala. For years, Vito Gambina has been producing and selling raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and wild strawberries on regional and national markets, products from the company in the Strasatti district. "The choice of 'Del Monte Italia' to invest in the Marsala area - anticipates Massimo Mirabella of 'Agrisicilia' who organizes the symposium - allows us to imagine interesting scenarios both in terms of production and marketing of a product today considered healthy and whose consumption is rapidly growing".

The area interested in the production of small fruits under the 'Del Monte Italia' brand is currently known for the strawberry produced and sold as a novelty at the national level. "In recent years, ' Del Monte Italia' - explains Gianluigi Bertelli, senior sales manager of the company - has admired the growing and prosperous small fruit industry in Sicily, a testament to its fertile land and the entrepreneurial ability of its inhabitants. It is with great enthusiasm that we approach this reality, eager to collaborate with Sicilian small fruit producers to bring their products to the global market".