
The company stood out thanks to its good economic, social, and environmental practices.

Quito, Ecuador.- During the Sustainability Summit 2024, held on April 11, REYBANPAC was recognized as one of the most sustainable companies in Ecuador under the "Triple Impact" methodology: economic, social, and environmental.

"It is gratifying to see that our efforts in sustainability are reflected in recognitions like the one obtained today. These milestones are an incentive to continue our contribution to the development of our country, promoting the growth and well-being of the people," said Leonardo Viteri Andrade, Vice President of Corporate Affairs, who received this important award granted by the Ekos Group on behalf of the company.

The evaluation methodology identified the most efficient companies in Ecuador in terms of their economic performance and tax contribution, as well as their best social and environmental practices. In the case of Reybanpac, the positive impact of the “Productive Technical Baccalaureate” on young people in rural areas of the provinces of Los Ríos and Santo Domingo was highlighted.

Since its implementation in 2021, the Productive Technical Baccalaureate has strengthened the skills and knowledge in agricultural production and entrepreneurship of hundreds of young people. Thereby, increasing their chances of entering the labor market. Currently, 80% of the graduates are already employed. This dual training program (theoretical and practical) was developed under an agreement with the Wong Foundation and the Ministry of Education.

REYBANPAC's results in reducing carbon emissions during 2022 (the year evaluated) were also taken in consideration. According to information verified by the Carbon Neutral consulting firm, the total improvement in the product carbon footprint reduction during this period in relation to the 2019 baseline was 11%. The measurement standard used was ISO 14067.

With 47 years of experience in the market, REYBANPAC is an organization whose commitment to sustainability is also reflected in its contribution to full employment and decent work, the preservation of biodiversity, and gender equality.


 Photo caption: Leonardo Viteri Andrade, Vice President of Corporate Affairs of the company, received this important award on behalf of the company.



About Reybanpac

Reybanpac is one of Ecuador's leading producers and exporters of premium bananas. Its flagship brand, Favorita, is distributed in 5 continents. With 46 years of experience, Reybanpac's business model is based on the principles of sustainable production and compliance with the highest quality standards. In 2023, the company reached a sales volume of 27.8 million boxes.