Colombian Banana Exports Exceeded Expectations in 2023


Colombia's banana export destinations continue to be dominated by the European Union, which absorbs 68% of total sales, followed by the U.S. with 16% and the U.K. with 15%. At the recent General Assembly of Affiliates of the Association of Banana Growers of Colombia (AUGURA), the crucial role banana producers have played for more than 60 years in the economic, social, and labour growth of the regions where they operate was highlighted. With a solid commitment to social investment, producers in the Urabá region have allocated an impressive 650,000 million pesos in housing, infrastructure, education, and health projects by 2023. This investment demonstrates its support for developing local communities, benefiting more than 150,000 families who depend directly on the banana business. 

The President of AUGURA, Emerson Aguirre Medina, emphasised the leadership of the Colombian banana sector at the global level in terms of sustainability, social dialogue and decent working conditions for workers and their families. Regarding foreign trade, banana exports from Colombia reached US$969 million in 2023, representing an increase of 9.2% over the previous year.

This is equivalent to more than 2 million tons of bananas, with an average productivity of 2,023 boxes per hectare per year. Over the years, small, medium, and large Colombian banana producers have been critical in generating opportunities and driving regional development.

Their ongoing commitment to the sector and its workers reflects their determination to continue being engines of progress in the Colombian countryside.