Costa Rica defends its banana industry in Berlin


Costa Rica's banana industry is under attack due to a smear campaign in international markets promoted by some Costa Rican unions and OXFAM Germany.

Costa Rican banana industry representatives participated in Fruit Logistica 2024, Europe's most critical fresh products fair. On this occasion, the industry's participation focused on promoting European exports and defending Costa Rican bananas. The leaders of the National Banana Corporation (CORBANA) carried out the tour with a double purpose:

Position the characteristics with which Costa Rican bananas are produced: in harmony with the environment and with the workers and explain to OXFAM Germany officials that banana workers in the country receive a decent wage for their work and that there is freedom of association, as defined in the Constitution and protected by law. The European Union represents 50% of the Costa Rican banana market, and maintaining correct information on production aspects and respect for workers' human rights are vital elements for national business people since some union groups have disseminated inaccurate information in supermarkets in those countries. 

"The national banana industry has 100% of its farms certified in environmental issues and 95% are certified in social aspects. Costa Rica is the only banana-producing country that has the Geographical Indication certification granted by the European Union," said Jorge Sauma, general director of CORBANA.