Banana Cultivation Areas in Honduras Decreased by 60%


The president of the Association of National Banana Producers (Aprobana), Héctor Castro, lamented that the cultivated areas decreased by 60% due to the effects of recent years due to the onslaught of tropical storms and other problems the sector faces.  

Banana exports are the country's second-largest foreign exchange source, surpassed only by coffee. 

The floods caused by Eta and Iota left substantial consequences on banana plantations, which has caused a considerable decrease in banana exports. 

Castro said that of the 100% that Honduras exports, only 7% – considered of low quality – remains for domestic consumption, but it is not enough for demand. Hence, the product has to be imported from Guatemala. 

The most significant areas of banana cultivation are located in Bajo Aguán, which saves national production. 

The banana industry has been a large employer. Still, many of the plantations no longer exist, so more opportunities for families who used to grow this crop need to be available. 

Castro also complained that there are batches of machinery and supplies from the national banana industry at customs, but they cannot be removed due to the shortage of dollars. 


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