Market Overview- Week 52/23


Banana selling prices in St Petersburg according to brand, volume, quality, and packing were USD 21.95-23.10 per box CIF in a market where demand improved compared to the past week. Nearly 566.000 boxes were discharged in week 52, and around 2.37 million are expected for week 1 of 2024.

The exchange rate was 1 USD=89.69 RUB.

Selling prices in the Mediterranean for Ecuadorian bananas were USD 17.00-19.00 per box CIF according to brand, volume, region, and quality. Bananas from Central America and Colombia were sold at around USD 2.00 less per box.

Prices in Algeria collapsed after importing large volumes of bananas in Specialised Reefer Vessels following the release of licenses, and local traders have reportedly incurred losses of USD 3.00-4.00 per box.

Prices for re-exported Ecuadorian bananas at the Mersin Free Zone were around USD 19.00 per box and USD 16.00-16.50 for those from Central America or Colombian origin. The exchange rate was 1 USD=29.55 TL.

Prices in the Iranian domestic market dropped as expected after the Yalda night. Large volumes of fruit were imported from the Philippines, India, and Pakistan. The price for Ecuadorian bananas was 62.000-70.000 Toman per kg, around 56.000 Toman per kg for Class A bananas and 30.000-40.000 Toman per kg for Class B.

Specialized Reefer Vessel, Cala Piana, coming from Davao, is expected to discharge around 200,000 boxes of bananas in Bushehr on January 1st, 2024.

The exchange rate was 1 USD=510.000 IRR or 51.000 Toman.

Prices at the Ecuadorian Spot Market ranged from USD 7.00 to USD 9.00 per box, only for the fruit, during the week.

According to industry sources, there was rainfall in all banana-producing regions, and production is expected to increase considerably from weeks 4-5.

According to the exporters' associations in Ecuador, around 50% of growers have signed contracts with exporters, and more might follow in the coming days.

The Time Charter levels in the Chartering Market were almost the same as last week, with 45-50 US Cents for large and small ships.  

Bunker prices:      

                                VLSFO            MGO      

Gibraltar                    $626.50         $855.00 

Rotterdam                 $558.00         $766.00 

Panama Canal         $581.00         $949.00


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