St Lucia Strives to Meet Market Demand Amidst Black Sigatoka Challenge


Saint Lucia's Agriculture Minister, Hon Alfred Prospere, shared a positive update on the banana industry, which had suffered a severe setback following Tropical Storm Bret earlier this year.

According to him, weekly banana exports have increased to 3,500 boxes and are expected to reach approximately 9,000 in the next eight weeks. 

However, despite the progress, Minister Prospere expressed concern that Saint Lucia still needs to meet the desired market demand for banana exports, which stands at 15,000 weekly boxes.

The minister emphasised the need for continued efforts to revitalise the banana industry, recognising a formidable adversary in the form of the Black Sigatoka disease.

Acknowledging the situation's urgency, Prospere revealed that the Ministry of Agriculture is actively working to support farmers in combating the Black Sigatoka disease.

The minister called for a united front in tackling this costly adversary, emphasising the significance of protecting the livelihoods of banana farmers and ensuring the continued success of Saint Lucia's banana industry.