Panama: Chiquita to Acquire Bananas from Banapiña-Fresh Del Monte


Banapiña-Fresh Del Monte reported that the fruits they produce on their farms in Panama will be acquired by banana company Chiquita as of January. 

"As we reported weeks ago, we are going to sell the bananas produced on our land to a third party, which will be 'Chiquita,'" they said in a statement. 

They explained that this implies that Banapiña-Fresh Del Monte will continue to produce quality fruit but will not oversee the subsequent processes and activities for its export to the different markets. 

"The measure will begin to be applied from January 2024 and will not represent any change in the established performance goals," they said. 

They added that they will continue to guarantee their commitment to all employees to grant them the benefits of the current Collective Agreement if they meet the minimum requirements to access them.