Ecuador: DP World Posorja Plans to Expand Its Port Capacity


In four years of port operation in Ecuador, DP World Posorja mobilises 20% of the Andean country's foreign trade. By the end of 2024, its market share is estimated to grow to 35%. The deep-water port began operating in 2019, and in recent days, expectations were generated with the announcement of Maersk changing its logistics services from the Contecon port in Guayaquil to Posorja. Forecasts are that, by 2024, Posorja will handle about 800,000 containers. 

In an interview, Carlos Merino, CEO of DP World Posorja, acknowledges that he is "cautious" about the growth figures for next year but "optimistic". The port must activate its investments in the second phase to expand logistics capacity and maintain "premium" standards for customers, such as shipping companies, industries, exporters, and importers. The initial projection is an investment of more than US$ 100 million to expand the pier to 700 meters, increase from four to six gantry cranes, and other works. The start date will depend on the studies and schedules agreed with the regulatory body. 

The investment in the first stage of Posorja was US$ 460 million through the public-private partnership between the State and DP World. The investment in 50 years of concession will be US$ 1,200 million. 

On the other hand, DP World and the Municipality of Guayaquil agreed to set up technical tables to improve vehicular traffic on the road to the coast after the announcement that Maersk has moved its operations to Posorja. 

The decision aroused the concern of the inhabitants of the way to the coast, given the possibility that the trucks transporting containers would hinder the already chaotic vehicular traffic in that sector that leads to Posorja. For this reason, the mayor of Guayaquil, Aquiles Alvarez, received the company's CEO, Carlos Merino, in his office to seek urgent solutions to avoid congestion on the road. 

The technical tables will begin meeting next week and "will work for a maximum period of 15 days with the aim of developing an urgent action plan, which should begin to be implemented as of January 1, 2024," the municipality reported.