International Forum Addresses Threats to Banana Production



In Guatemala, the first International Forum of the Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) and Fusarium Tropical Race 4 (Foc TR4) was held, in which experts sought strategies to prevent and control these diseases that threaten global banana production. 

Participants highlighted that the Foc TR4 has affected 23 banana-producing countries worldwide. 

Colombia was the first to be affected in the Americas in 2019, followed by Peru in 2021, and most recently, Venezuela in January 2023.  Guatemala is the world's third largest exporter of bananas, with 2.6 million tons, representing 10.8% of global exports. According to Julio Mérida of the Association of Independent Banana Producers (APIB), this sector generates excellent employment opportunities, benefiting families. 

The banana and plantain sector generates approximately 300,000 direct and indirect jobs, positively impacting at least 1.5 million people. 

The event was also held thanks to the agreement between the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the International Regional Organization for Agricultural Health (OIRSA). This agreement provides Guatemala with satellite monitoring through Taiwan's space agency. 

Deputy Minister Víctor Hugo Guzmán stressed that thanks to the support of the agreement, Guatemala has 14 checkpoints. 

With drones, 3,700 hectares of plantain and banana plantations are being monitored.   To this, we must add the use of drones, which in 2023 made it possible to conduct inspections and verifications in the field to determine the phytosanitary condition of the plantations. To date, 29 field inspections have been completed, resulting in 168 satellite notifications for large-scale monitoring. 

Since 2021, 27 trainings, a regional forum, and a drill have been held in which 941 people have participated, including producers and official MAGA technicians. These initiatives seek to promote biosecurity and phytosanitary control measures, especially for small producers. 

MAGA seeks to ensure effective management of threats to banana production in Guatemala.