Colombia: Armed Groups Set Fire to Banana Packing Plants in Magdalena


Banana growers in the departments of Magdalena and La Guajira have been declared on red alert, as criminal groups have attacked them to pressure extortion payment, according to the country's banana growers' associations. 

On Tuesday, November 14, armed men broke into two farms, intimidating workers and setting fires, one in the village of Comejenes, Riohacha, and the other in the municipality of Zona Bananera, in Magdalena. 

Faced with these unfortunate events that affect the tranquillity and patrimony of the families, the Association of Banana Growers of Magdalena and La Guajira (Asbama) and the Association of Banana Growers of Colombia (Augura) expressed their rejection. 

"They reject the burning of packing facilities and warehouses of inputs on banana farms, in the departments of Magdalena and La Guajira by criminals, who intend to extort producers," says a statement on X's account. 

José Zúñiga, President of Asbama, said on his X account: "The terrorists are doing their thing; in less than 24 hours, two banana farms have been incinerated. One in La Guajira and the other in Magdalena. We urgently call on @mindefensa to take the necessary actions to guarantee life, work, and private property." 

The sector asked the National Government for concrete measures to counteract this wave of insecurity, asking for the immediate intervention of the authorities in the area. 

"We ask the authorities, the departmental governments, and mainly the National Government, to intervene immediately in the areas to protect the integrity of the people and the continuity of the main generator of employment in these communities," the document adds. The banana growers reiterated the need to locate a Unified Command Post in the area to take the necessary measures.