Ecuador: Banana Cluster Campaign to Acquire Legitimate Inputs


The insecurity and lack of guarantees to continue with banana exports, Ecuador's main non-oil exports, has led the Banana Cluster to undertake a campaign to defend the interests of the production chain. 

José Antonio Hidalgo, the inter-union coordinator of the Plantain and Banana Cluster of Ecuador, said at a press conference that, in the last six months, they have identified estimated losses of around 280 thousand dollars per quarter, due to robberies in the plantain and banana sector. "These losses could increase to $1,120,000 annually if these trends continue," he said. 

For this reason, the guild has started a campaign that seeks to raise awareness among all actors in the value chain about the importance of not buying stolen items, motivate complaints and coordinate actions with the SRI and the National Police to sanction establishments that make informal sales, since about 75% of the producing/exporting companies surveyed in the sector reported that they suffered some theft. He said that 3 out of 4 suffer this type of robbery. 

The campaign will run through various media, including radio, television, print and digital portals, with channels for denunciation and interviews. "In the campaign we will also address problems such as expulsions, kidnappings, and contamination. The campaign is called Let's Give a Hand, urging people not to buy stolen supplies and to report them," he said. 

Leonidas Estrada, executive director of AGROBAN, stressed that insecurity and the activity of criminal gangs are seriously affecting the agricultural sector, negatively impacting production, trade, and security in rural communities. "The authorities must take effective measures to address this situation and ensure a safe environment that allows for development and prosperity in the country," he said. 

Richard Salazar, executive director of Acorbanec, emphasized the problems of fruit contamination; "We are facing significant challenges in the banana sector due to narcotics contamination. Collaboration with the Anti-Narcotics Police and the need for more effective policies are crucial issues. I hope that the joint actions with the SRI and the National Police will contribute to addressing this problem and protecting Ecuador's international reputation," he emphasized. 

It should be noted that the police, authorities, and the Tax Administration have joined this campaign. The Deputy Commander of the Guayaquil Metropolitan District Zone 8, Colonel Marco Narváez, mentioned that campaigns such as those motivated today are favourable since they generate joint work with the private sector. He stressed that "we will have the full support of the National Police, and we encourage them to generate the necessary complaints, indicating that according to article 202 of the Organic Penal Code, the crime carries a penalty of 6 months to 2 years in prison." During the press conference, the representatives highlighted the importance of reporting through the SRI and 1-800-crimes. The Tax Administration is committed to collaborating with rigorous controls and actions against tax crimes. 

Finally, Hidalgo stressed that, with this campaign they seek to curb crimes that affect the activities in rural areas and move the entire chain forward.