Venezuela Confirms TR4 in Banana Plantations of Three States

Fusarium Race 4 -TR4- is again setting off alerts in the region after it was confirmed in Venezuela, the third country in Latin America after Colombia and Peru. Ecuador remains free of the pest, as confirmed on January 26 by the Agency for Regulation and Phytosanitary and Zoo-sanitary Control (Agrocalidad).
The document states that the TR4 was detected in the states of Aragua (Zamora and José Ángel Lamas municipalities), Carabobo (San Joaquín municipality), Cojedes (Anzoálava municipality). According to the results of the molecular phytosanitary analysis issued by the Virology and Plant Biotechnology laboratories of the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC), the communiqué from the National Institute of Integral Agricultural Health of Venezuela (Insai), confirmed the presence of Fusarium Race 4.