Peru: INIA transferred technologies for soil conservation in banana crops


As part of the 'Peru 2M: Know the fertility of your soil' campaign, the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA) has transferred methodologies and protocols for correct sampling and analysis of soil quality in organic banana crops. This initiative is aimed at the integral role of producers in the Santa Ana sector in the district of La Huaca, province of Paita, Piura region.

Once implemented, these technologies will preserve the soil quality and significantly increase the production and productivity levels of the main crop: organic bananas.

INIA trained producers in soil sampling techniques, a crucial step in evaluating the degree of fertility, perfecting the use of fertilizers on their farms, producing organic fertilizers, and biologically controlling pests and diseases that affect banana crops.

After the training, the producers transferred the soil samples to the Water, Soil, and Foliar Laboratory of India. The aim is to decide soil quality, focusing on identifying the degree of fertility, degradation, acidity, and presence of heavy metals, among other factors.

The 'Peru 2M: Know the fertility of your soil' campaign is a national initiative by INIA with the potential to revolutionize agriculture. The aim is to analyze 2 million soil samples from the country's coast, mountains, and jungle. The results will allow the definition of Peru's First Soil Fertility Map at the region, province, and district levels. This technical material will provide information on methods of conservation and management of agricultural soils, paving the way for a more sustainable and productive future.