MSC contacts Rongsheng shipyard for its next container ship orders

Global shipbuilding capacity is set to grow by a per cent with the reactivation of one of the most famous shipyards from the previous boom and bust era of shipping.
MB Shipbroking, formerly Maersk Broker, reports that Jiangsu Rongsheng Heavy Industries, once China's most prominent private shipyard, will reopen with the world's most extensive container line as one of its first clients.
According to the Danish broker, Rongsheng has acquired financial backing and won a contract for 12,000 teu LNG dual-fuelled ships from Mediterranean Shipping Co (MSC). This line has sought out alternative yards in China for its next wave of expansion. MB Shipbroking reports that Rongsheng will also be marketing large tankers and bulk carriers with delivery slots starting at the end of 2026. The reactivation could potentially increase global shipbuilding capacity by 1%.
Rongsheng, located in the Yangtze River Delta, was founded in 2006 and became China's most prominent private shipbuilder. It churned out giant vale-maxes at its four large dry docks-drydocks before a massive financial collapse forced it to cease operations in 2014. Meanwhile, MSC reportedly signed up for ten 21,000 teu LNG dual fuel shops at Jiangsu Hantong, delivering from its new drydock from the second half of 2027 through 2028. Commonly known for building bulk carriers, this marks Hantong's debut in the container segment. MSC is also rumoured to be behind a series of 11,000 teu LNG dual fuel units at Penglai Jinglu as it gears up to go it alone on the main east-west trades from next year with the end of its vessel sharing agreement with Maersk.