Belize: Ministry of Agriculture Enhances Prevention Measures Against TR4


Minister of Agriculture Jose Abelardo Mai emphasised that Belize must be prepared for Fusarium Wilt TR4, a deadly soilborne banana disease in South American countries like Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. He expressed concern that TR4 could eventually reach all banana-producing areas in the Central American region, including Guatemala and Belize.

During the opening of the Fusarium TR4 Workshop and Simulation Exercise at Dream Valley Resort in Teakettle, Cayo District, Mai highlighted the importance of agriculture and the banana industry to Belize's economy. He stated, "Banana is Belize's second largest agricultural export, hovering between $70 and $90 million over the last 5 years. At 6-8 ripe bananas for a dollar B.Z., banana remains one of the cheapest fruits for the Belizean household to purchase and consume."

The FOC TR4 task force, a collaborative effort comprising technical officers from the Republic of China-Taiwan, the Regional Organization for Plant and Animal Health (OIRSA), MAFSE, Belize Agriculture Health Authority (BAHA), the University of Belize (U.B.), and Banana Growers Association (BGA), is actively participating in the workshop and simulation exercise. This task force was established to raise national awareness about the potential threat of FOC TR4 to Belize and demonstrate the collective response to this significant threat. OIRSA Country Representative Fermin Blanco reiterated that prevention is the best weapon against Fusarium TR4. Elroy Foreman, Executive Director of the Banana Growers Association, acknowledged the importance of the banana industry in generating foreign exchange and contributing to development in the South. He underscored the crucial role of resilience and collaboration in the fight against the disease, inspiring unity and determination among all stakeholders.

Taiwan Ambassador Lily Li-Wen Hsu expressed Taiwan's willingness to share its experiences with the Central American region to combat this banana disease. She mentioned the Formosana, a banana TR4-resistant variety developed in Taiwan, which is currently being researched in Belize and will soon be introduced to the market.

Dr. Vincent Palacio, President of the University of Belize, expressed concern about the impact of Fusarium on bananas and plantains, which are essential to the Garifuna diet. He recognised the efforts by MAFSE, BAHA, OIRSA, Taiwan, and other stakeholders in preparing to prevent the disease's entry into Belize.

BAHA's Managing Director, Zoe Zetina, assured all industry stakeholders of their commitment to preventing the introduction of Fusarium Tropical Race 4 into the region's banana industries. She said, "We are becoming technically prepared, and we are being increasingly vigilant. We're cooperating with all industry stakeholders and our developmental partners and we're thankful for their unwavering support over all these years. We are gradually putting in place all the elements that are needed to prevent the introduction of this disease. But let us be very mindful that prevention is always better than any available cure."

The local banana industry is booming, ехроrtѕ grеw bу 16.4 реrсеnt оr $1 mіllіоn, frоm $6.3 mіllіоn іn Мау 2023 tо $7.4 mіllіоn іn Мау 2024.